
Top 10 Reasons Patients Are Moving To Oral Appliance Therapy For Sleep Apnea

When thinking about sleep apnea treatment, what comes to mind? The image of a bulky CPAP likely inhabited your mind just now. These machines are not only cumbersome but can also be loud, uncomfortable, and hard to travel with. If you are in the Acton, Massachusetts, area and visit the team at Acton Dental Associates, you can learn about a form of treatment called oral appliance therapy.

Oral appliance therapy (OAT) offers several compelling reasons for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to consider it as a treatment option. These include:

  1. Effectiveness: Oral appliances have been found to be effective in reducing the severity of sleep apnea and improving symptoms in many individuals. Research indicates that oral appliances can significantly decrease the frequency of apnea and hypopnea events, leading to improvements in sleep quality and daytime functioning.
  2. Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical interventions for sleep apnea, which can be more invasive and carry risks of complications, oral appliance therapy is non-invasive. It involves wearing a custom-fitted device in the mouth during sleep without the need for any surgical procedures.
  3. Comfort and Convenience: Oral appliances are generally well-tolerated and comfortable to wear, especially compared to CPAP masks and machines. They are custom-made to fit the individual’s mouth, and the materials used are often soft and flexible, minimizing discomfort and irritation.
  4. Portability: Oral appliances are compact and portable, making them easy to travel with. Unlike CPAP machines, which require electricity and additional equipment, oral appliances are convenient for use at home or while traveling, allowing individuals to maintain their sleep apnea treatment regimen wherever they go.
  5. Improved Compliance: Many individuals find oral appliance therapy more tolerable and easier to adhere to compared to CPAP therapy. The simplicity of wearing a custom-fitted oral appliance without the need for masks, hoses, or machines can lead to higher compliance rates and better long-term adherence to treatment.
  6. Preservation of Intimacy: Oral appliances do not create a barrier between partners during sleep, as CPAP masks and machines can sometimes do. This can help preserve intimacy in relationships, as there is no interference with physical closeness or communication during sleep.
  7. Customization: Oral appliances are custom-made to fit each individual’s mouth, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness. Dentists work closely with patients to tailor the device to their unique dental structure and preferences, maximizing treatment outcomes.
  8. Adjunctive Therapy: Oral appliance therapy can be used alone or in combination with other treatments for sleep apnea, such as CPAP therapy or lifestyle modifications. For individuals who are unable to tolerate CPAP or prefer an alternative treatment approach, oral appliances offer a valuable adjunctive option.
  9. Minimal Side Effects: Compared to surgical interventions or CPAP therapy, oral appliance therapy typically has fewer side effects. While some individuals may experience temporary side effects such as minor jaw discomfort or excessive salivation, these issues often resolve with time and adjustment.
  10. Treatment of Snoring: In addition to treating sleep apnea, oral appliances can also effectively reduce or eliminate snoring, improving sleep quality for both the individual with sleep apnea and their sleep partner.
Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients: (978) 881-5826 | Existing Patients: (978) 263-3526
Request an Appointment

If you are looking for sleep apnea treatment in the form of an oral appliance, please reach out to the team at Acton Dental Associates in Acton, MA, by calling (978) 881-5826.

Dr. Eric Block

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